Saturday, October 24, 2015

cmake + qt5 + vtk, for VS 2013 (community version)

1) Setup Qt5
In my case, I downloaded Qt5.4.2, qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013_opengl-5.4.2.exe from here

2) Setup VTK
I haven't checked that QVtkWidget works for Qt5 at older VTK version,
but at least, it works for version 6.3.0.
After download source code, configure project for vs2013 with cmake.

After configure, check box for VTK_Qt, and click configure again.
If error message about "can't find package Qt5 ~~ ", then edit cmakelists.txt in VTK-6.3.0 as follows.

Just add the code on red line. After reedit, configure will work. Then generate project.

3) Compile VTK

4) Set automoc file.
-- I'll add about this topic. soon --

Friday, October 16, 2015

SEH error

GoogleTest, QVTKWidget에 멤버변수로 std::vector<~~>   를 여러개 추가하다가, SEH 에러 발생함. 아래 링크 참고로 원인 파악중.